Day 4: Favorite quote

Day 4: Favorite quote (from a person, from a book, etc) and why you love it.

"No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite." -Nelson Mandela

Okay, ask yourself who do you hate? I don’t mean one person because they did something to you. I mean the ones who did nothing at all but you generalize. Which group of people? Blacks? Asians? Whites? Maybe just rich whites? Christians? Muslims? Now ask yourself why. And honestly explain it to yourself. If at any point, you come up with TV, parents, media, friends or outside influence, read my quote again and make it make sense to you.

Love comes easier to us. Pure love, innocent love, sweet love, convenient love. And yes there are exceptions to everything. (If he beats the hell out of you, it isn’t easy to love him) You get my point. Hating someone takes energy- energy that you cannot afford to waste on stupid shit. Let’s say you talk about disliking Bosnians for 5 minutes once a week. That is 260 minutes of your life per year. That is 4 hours and 20 minutes. Can you imagine if you used those 4 hours to something useful? Feed the hungry? Volunteer at a homeless shelter? Most people who are ignorant, racist or any of the above things mentioned, talk a WHOLE lot more than 5 minutes a week about people they hate. They’re wasting their life on their hate. They feed it every day. They surround themselves with like minded people so they never have to challenge their own thinking.

Just remember, no one hates a group of people because of a fact. It is not a fact that priests are child molesters. Not all of them are. It is not a fact that Muslims are terrorists. Not all of them are. It is not a fact that black people are lazy. Not all of them are.

You were not born with a gene that hates blacks or Asians or whoever. You were not born with a gene that hates homosexuals or heterosexuals. You have the same clean slate everyone else does when you’re born. You just might have ignorant fucking parents or friends. <3

Toodles Day 4. You were fun to talk about!

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