Day 27: A letter to you guys, my readers

Day 27: A letter to your readers

My dear readers,

I want to let you know that I am truly grateful for every written word that you have read. It means so much to me; I can't even explain. You encourage me to write more and I hope I encourage you to seek ways to explain and communicate yourself as well. The only way in this world that we differ from animals is that we can talk. We have the ability to express ourselves, our pain, our happiness and any other emotion that we may feel. We have the ability to make the world a better place for our future generations and we have the ability to be great every single day that we wake up. 

If you guys ever decide to blog, know that you have a number one fan. Me! Let me know your link and I will read it and give you pointers. I'm not amazing at blogging like some people, but I can give you pointers. I would love it if someone paid me to drink coffee and blog from home, but we all know that will never happen. Maybe I can be a stay-at-home-mom...without the mom part. Haha who am I kidding? I'd get bored in a week after rearranging my house a bagillion times and then go out drinking.

My family doesn't really follow me on here. My older sister may have read a few, a few friends read it when I write something interesting. The few of you that read my blog religiously know parts of me that I don't tell a lot of people. That's because this blog is my cover. This blog is my safety net and also this blog stops me from smacking the shit out of people and going to jail. 

Thank you. I can never say it enough. Thank you for being here. Thank you for reading. Thank you for asking me questions, giving me things to blog about and giving me feedback.

I would also like to thank some of you for being complete and utter fucktards and giving me something to bitch about.

I love you all. <3

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