If everyone can have it, I don't want it

My happily married friends and acquaintances tell me it's sad that I haven't settled down yet.
And I'm just like..

Then, when a problem arises in their marriage and they're not as happy, who do they talk to? Me! The single girl who tends to give the best advice for people other than herself. Frankly, I should start charging.

I remember how they "pity" me because I'm single, I don't have a support system, I don't have anyone to share finances with or my problems with or any of that crap..
 And then I'm like..

Quickly, I remember tho
- I get sleep when and where I want
- I go out and drink without worrying about a baby sitter
- I don't have to worry about cooking and cleaning for someone
- And my checking accounting dictates how wild I can live my life

So then I'm like..

But real talk guys. People don't realize how serious relationships are. We live in a world where people don't fix things anymore. They walk away and look for something new. They don't stick around and fight. And why should they when you're just an option to them and they can just turn on the trusty FB and move on to the next one? Why should anyone work for it when your relationship wasn't consisting of just you and him, but it was you, him, his ex, his single friends, that one girl he sleeps with when he's single, that one girl he would sleep with if he had a chance and not to mention little trashy FB girls who add anyone for attention. 

In today's society, we quickly have become dispensable. You argue with your boyfriend and he quickly turns to someone else for comfort. And that's the main reason I stick to "If everyone can have it, I don't want it," I don't want your "good morning beautiful" texts if you're texting it to 10 other girls. I don't want your attention if any girl with a tight skirt can get it. I don't want you to like me if you think all it takes is some alcohol and a few nice words. I don't want your apologies if you are going to make the same mistakes over and over again. The person you end up with, the one you fall truly in love with and want to marry; you need to feel that they are the best for you or it's never going to work. Yes, we all have flaws..but this includes flaws and all. If they aren't the best for you, then at some point you will start looking elsewhere. 

And if I am not your best, then simply don't waste my time.

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