Four five seconds from wildin'

Hello, my dear readers, stalkers, shit-talkers and my ride or die mamas. I go on rants almost every other day for some stupid crap us humans do, but this time I've hit my mothereffin' limit. This is mainly because most of the people cannot handle the truth and are pansies about everything. Guys and girls alike need to put on their big girl panties and deal with the cold, hard truth. I am a very blunt person. I cannot reiterate that enough to you people. You can either handle it, and get to know me or you can get to steppin'. I don't like having to constantly explain myself, the things I say or do, and the way I generally am. Recently, I've been called two-faced, untrustworthy, opportunist and manipulative even by a douchemonkey who let me believe he was different. Let me break those words down to you and see if I can get you on team Gabi. If by the end of this blog post, I cannot do that, then you are more than welcome never to speak to me again. In fact, I welcome on taking the trash out of my life.

Two-faced- deceitful or hypocritical.
I have never lied about anything. If at some point it seemed like I have, it's to protect the other person's feelings. If I think someone will break down or be hurt by what I have to say, I will sugar-coat it the best I can, but the truth will still be told. I don't like laying my head down at night knowing that I have consciously deceived someone.

Untrustworthy- not worthy of being trusted.
What goes on between me and you, stays between me and you. The good, the bad and the ugly is going with me to my grave. My best friends know everything, yes, but do you think I would pick them if I couldn't trust them myself? If I am angry with you, I will not spill your secrets. If you hurt me, disappoint me, lie to me, cheat on me..what have it..I will still keep your secrets, BUT let me remind you that I can break you. So don't, please don't turn me into the crazy bitch. I don't like her very much.

Opportunist- a person who adapts his actions, responses, etc. to take advantage of opportunities. circumstance or people.
I will NEVER do anything I don't want to do. If I was an opportunist, I would have married several times over just for the chance not to work, to shop and to have someone. I haven't. I don't hang out with people I don't like regardless whatever they can do for me. I don't take advantage of anyone regardless of how they have made me feel or what they may have done to me.

Manipulative- influencing or attempting to influence the behavior or emotions of other's for one's own purposes.
I mean let's be honest, if I could do this, I would make a lot more money, have a lot more friends, have nicer things. etc. I don't have enough energy to manipulate someone's feelings or life, because frankly I can't even make myself do shit I don't want to do. If I could, I would have a size 4 waist, because I'd make my ass go to the gym or stop eating shitty.

Regardless of what you think of me, be an adult about it. Tell me to my face...that's if you have balls to have your shit handed to you by a girl. Toodles!
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