Holy crap, Batman

Hello my dear readers, 

I have abandoned you. I just left you on read with no message in sight. Today, I write because I realize I haven't in a while and also because I haven't felt like myself this year. I would like to see if everyone is falling apart this year or is it just some of us? My friends, family, neighbors, community just seems to be going through some changes and I am not quite sure what is happening in our Universe that is upending everything we have ever known. It's like the shift in the Universe is telling us to slow down and speed up at the same time, and half of us are on a standstill anyway. 

For example, myself- I have never been the type to job hop or not be satisfied with a job and simply walk away, but this year I have done exactly that. I start my new job in July and I am excited to see where the HR world can take me next, while I dream of owning my own business that I don't think I would ever open. The ADD part of me just cannot settle on any one thing. (the H is sought after because someone please give me some energy and hyperactivity)

To even begin discussing my love life, I would like to begin that journey by sharing a description of an image and have you imagine what that looks like to you (if you're able to picture stuff, count yourself lucky- I have aphantasia). Imagine a hot, sunny day with no cloud in the sky. The wind is still. The temperature is 100 degrees and rising. You are standing in the middle of the dessert, with no water bottle, no provisions and nothing with which to shield yourself away from the sun. And you're just standing there, sweating, hoping someone comes. That's the depiction of my current state of love. Well, human love. The animal love is there a 1000% and I couldn't be more grateful.

I currently have Stitch and the 4 cats (Oreo, Mushu, Gypsy and Rain) in the house and the chickens outside - although Thelma sometimes like to come inside. The tiny farm also has a small rabbit living inside it's hostas by the front door. He comes out to greet me when I am coming home and he skeddadles back into the hostas when he sees me coming out in the morning! I haven't named him yet, just because when he grows up I know he will be leaving the hosta home and then I will be sad. And also, I live on a main road with no sidewalk- no bueno for tiny yard animals. 

Anyway, readers that is just a little update on the madness that is 2024. I hope that you are one of the ones that the Universe is missing with her x-ray vision, and that all is going well for you. Drop in the comments how your 2024 is happening so far!


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Holy crap, Batman

Hello my dear readers,  I have abandoned you. I just left you on read with no message in sight. Today, I write because I realize I haven'...