Life happens


I started this blog as a Block II student (if you don't remember what that is, it's ok. It's a set of three classes that we [elementary education majors] had to take. They lasted from 8am-3pm and you spent 10 days in the classroom observing as well as teaching 2 lessons during the semester). When I started this blog, I knew I was going to Spain during student teaching and I needed a way to remember my memories and things I did there. I continued the blog through student teaching, through Spain as well as after I graduated (May, 2012). Here we are 7 months later and almost into the New 2013 Year and I am updating you guys on my life, my job, my love scene, my weight loss among other things.

And while I am talking about updating, I know I did it yesterday but I'm doing it again today.
Life- so far so good. It certainly has its ups and downs, but I am managing better than I ever have done before.
Job- job is still paying the bills, but I really miss being in the classroom so today I am creating my resume and taking control.
Love- dating someone, who knows where it will go. Time will tell.
Health- (this is a new update) I have started my ACE (Appetite Control Energy) pills today. My friend was taking them for 3 months, not working out and has lost 17 lbs. I've lost 10 lbs since August, but I have hit a plateau. I would like to lower my calorie intake but even with the 1600 cals I'm eating now, I'm sometimes hungry, so I need something to suppress that hunger and not affect my carb intake since I'm lower carbing it. For the ones who are health nuts, you will understand this. For the ones who aren't, here is short version. "I want to eat less than I have been, without eating bread to fill me up."
I told my coworkers about these pills and I got a compliment. Lejla said "Where in the heck are you still trying to lose weight?" Then she looked at me like I needed to eat a good steak. LOL!

I usually have lots of life things on my mind so I will not bore you with my weight loss with this blog.
Here is a question of the day: When do you know a relationship is serious? Everyone says things start getting serious when he leaves stuff at your place, or vice versa. Some say it's not technically serious until you move in with each other and that step makes it officially serious. How much time needs to pass before you think "Does this have a future?" Is there a time limit? For example, 6 months and you're serious automatically? This has been an age old question in every woman's mind and it's not like the men are going to announce it one day "Honey, from now on, we are a serious thing." Wishful thinking!

Watching "How I met your mother", I get a lot of my ideas for questions because it sparks up questions in my life. The show is really cute, and most of the things in it are very realistic and true. So, to the ones who are reading this, you can always comment me and help me answer my questions. :)

Til next time, toodles.

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