
I was watching the other day what the current president of my country was saying, and to be honest, it doesn't surprise me anymore. I'm worried that I am starting to get "used to" the things that come out of his mouth. It means I'm starting to normalize it and internalize it, and NO!!! That is NOT something that is normal. At all. Among other reasons, I don't have any form of news on my TV, but he is for sure one of the main ones. When I do decide to clue in- which is at least once a week like a citizen should- I often laugh at what I find. I do not hold back my despisement of him, or of his tactics and general existence. I didn't like him before; why would I now? Lord..especially now. I can't stand how he is handling this situation. We are supposed to be listening to the president for some comfort and something smart or knowledgeable to say. The bar doesn't even have to be that high; at least not tell people to drink bleach. 2020...VOTE, y'all and THINK hard about your choices! CHOOSE WISELY!

I am going back to work tomorrow today. Insomnia has kicked in and I am writing. I have built up my immune system, I have done enough work on myself and my health to feel "safer" going back. Now that everyone is mandated to wear a mask (at least the associates), I can breathe a little easier- pun intended. Oh, wait. You mean to tell me there are still people not doing what they are supposed to do? Oh, okay. And our country is reopening? Oh, okay. We have had the highest numbers, with numbers still mostly rising? Oh, okay. Welp. May the Goddess help us and may we all be safe.

Regardless of being a little terrified of the general public nowadays and really sick of the entitled pricks, I am excited to see my work family. It's been three weeks! I imagine it's going to be a long day and I spent the day mentally preparing for my first day back. I took the day to relax and not think about work at all, but just do what I felt like doing. I did some laundry, set out an outfit being all proactive and whatnot, danced in the long, hot shower and chatted with some friends. Not to mention, I got to video chat with some eye candy that's stuck in the mother country for his birthday, so all in all, a good damn day..and now night.

I think I am finally going to try to sleep. I hope tomorrow goes by as quickly as it can so I can be back at home with my boys. It's going to suck to be without them to cuddle with every moment or to kiss on. If they would let me bring my dog to work, I'd stay there as long as they needed me to. Just no one touch him. Do you see what World we live in today?! 6 ft. back, ma'am/sir!

Good night! Toodles!

Cut the shit out!

Okay..okay, let's not get too close. Please, keep a distance of 6ft. That isn't hard..it isn't science. Pretend there is a bullet coming for either of us if we stand closer than that to each other. Because there is. And that bullet is invisible and you only have a small chance of survival to begin with; it doesn't really matter if it was 20 ft long in the shape of Barney. Why? Because we, as the human race, SUCK ass! We are slowly dying off and the reason being?? We cannot follow simple rules!!!

1. Cough into your elbow- If you should just so happen to fuck up and cover your face for that enormously obnoxious sneeze with your hands, then by all means, please go wash them for more than 20 seconds (ABC's, birthday song, Cardi B "Bodak Yellow"- whatever your flavor is) or sanitize them, you lazy POS.

2. Socially Distance 6ft-  I know that you just can't resist and I completely understand, but I need you to stand back for your own safety and mine. When words come out of your mouth, it is followed by spit. I would like to not exchange any bodily fluids unless responsibly and consensually. Kthxbai. Which brings me to my next point.

3. Wear a mask- Find one, make one, buy one. Wear a bandana. You won't offend me for protecting yourself from me and me from yourself. We all appreciate that.

Yay! Epidural time. 

4. Clean and disinfect your work areas- Essentials, if you are working somewhere with the public like I am was**, please double, triple, quadruple whatever corporate cleaning is. They will do the legal minimum; we need to extend that to keep everyone safer. This is just a personal preference. I like knowing you and I are safe.

5. Educate yourself- Please read up on how Covid19 is spread, what the symptoms are, and if there is a testing center nearby. The more you know, the more you will do. I fucking hope!

6. Don't be a Dick- Yes, you have to wait in line. Yes, things are being done differently. Yes, there are changes. Stop, breathe, and ask yourself if you'd act like that with yo mama around! Stop it. You're not the only human with things to do. In fact, if you are not one of the ESSENTIALS, PLEASE GTFO of my way!

**I am currently on leave because of my use of steroids-- no worries, it's not the fun kind that will have me coming back to work looking like a Bosnian Massy Arias (no, she does not use them, I LOVE HER, please check her out). It's the kind that I need to have in order to be at a pain level zero like a whole human being, and it's also currently the one that is lowering my immune system to even below substandard use so I am prone to everything. Last time I was down for 5 days barely mobile, and 9 days sick. 

Holy crap, Batman

Hello my dear readers,  I have abandoned you. I just left you on read with no message in sight. Today, I write because I realize I haven...