Blog Day 3- A book you love

Hello Day 3!

Well, how did you know I was a reader, Day 3?

I'm glad you ask because I LOVE TO READ! The topic is "A book you love" and I love all of them, so it's hard to pick just one. There are a few books that come to mind when the topic comes up though and they are:

Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom...I was in the 9th or 10th grade (can't remember-I've killed a few  lot of brain cells since then) and I remember getting this book assigned to us as a class project. We were supposed to read a few chapters a day, and then do a worksheet answering certain questions or summarizing what we read; you know the drill. All I remember is I picked up this book and didn't set it down. It just captured my attention and made me cry several times. I love books that are able to touch your emotions as if it were happening to you.

- Lord of the Rings Trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien...I read this book (I had the three books in one) faster than I've read anything in my life. Then I read it again, slower this time, really taking in the scenery it was depicting and the stories of each character. I obsessed over LOTR so much that I even had a guild on an online game I was playing at the time called "Lords of the Ring". And then the movies were made; I watched all of them several times!!

And today, my dear readers, the status of my reading? It's been a while since I've finished a book. I keep thinking I'll read when I work less, when I have more time, when I have more motivation to do things, when I get a boyfriend so we can be "that" couple, when "insert excuse here"- I've started reading several and haven't finished one. Life happens and my concentration is at a -10 anyway, so my book reading has dropped off my list of things to do. I promise, as soon as my brain quietens down and I can breathe again, I'll read again, too. 

Blog Day 2- Something you feel strongly about

Well, hello Day 2! I didn't think you were going to be jumping into deep topics this quickly, but OKURRR. Something I feel strongly about: Equality. For all people. No matter what race, nationality, religion, creed or tribe.
I dislike grouping people that are minorities already starting from below zero into sections of land and holding them down even further. I dislike hearing that a gun was pulled just because someone was black or because someone chose to pay bills by being a police officer. I dislike seeing someone disregard another as a person because they are wearing a *burka or because they chose to believe in God in another form.

I never understood how someone could have so much hate in their own heart to be able to hate someone else they don't even know..just for the fact that they are different from them. This isn't something I should be even talking about. It angers me that we live in a world where equality is a topic even needing to be discussed. It should be freely given. It should be a solid right. Your right to be equal. It should. It's not the same for everyone. I keep screaming that we all live in a different America.

Blog Day 1- Five ways to win your heart

Hello, my dear readers. It's been a while. Life has been on the up and up lately in most areas and down in others. That is to be expected It would be boring otherwise and as cliche as it sounds, I just take it day by day. Anyway, I decided a little while back that I was going to do a blog challenge and here it is. Day 1. I am trying to get back to my writing because I have been gone for so long and my block feels like it has been lifted to a point.

Eventually we will get into the daily gripes and conversations, but for right now the topic is "Five ways to win your heart"? So, I am thinking this post could go two ways. I can share the five ways to win my heart or I can emphasize five "ways" that should be taught to little boys in order to win a woman's heart. Period.

Well, if we are talking about my heart, that is in a lot of places lately. All good, no complaints here. I am content with the way my heart life is going. Both literally and figuratively speaking, that is. Wink wink, nudge nudge. And if we are talking about the five ways that should be taught is simple. Teach them chivalry, integrity, kindness, empathy and responsibility. The end.

As for mine..

1. Pay attention
2. Acknowledge my furry kiddos
3. Plan a date
4. Kindness
5. Honesty

Holy crap, Batman

Hello my dear readers,  I have abandoned you. I just left you on read with no message in sight. Today, I write because I realize I haven...