Can we catch a damn break!?

I've heard many people say "when it rains, it pours". Well good Lord, can we get some sunshine around here? I am effing tired of this rain.

My family has been through a lot this past year; my mom's back surgery, my step-dad's cancers, Anna's scoliosis, my car accident, step-dad passing away and now my repercussions from my car accident.

Dr. Michael Elkins, Anna's and mom's chiropractor, told me yesterday that I have phase two degeneration. My back is in bad shape and if I don't fix it now, I'm looking at surgery and meds for the rest of my life which is exactly why he offered to "fix" me.
Now, let me remind you I am forever 18 years old 27 years old. Phase two should happen sometime in your late ages, not when you're young.

Anyways, he was kind enough to offer a solution for my non-having-insurance issue. If I can get 3 regular patients into his office, he will treat me for free. Very awesome guy and an amazing chiropractor. I am on the lookout now for 3 people, so I can get started on my back.

Shitty year, you WILL NOT defeat me.

Anyways, enough with the bad. Here's some good. Sunday, I went to the pool for the first time to kick off my summer.

Also, to show off my hot new body. I still have work to do, but so far results are amazing.

And for all you naysayers, the reason I have two different tattoos on my "left thigh" is because one of the pictures is flipped horizontally so they were both facing the same way and it would show my weight loss better.

The difference between laying down last summer and SITTING UP this summer. Woo hoo!

Tone, tone, tone some more. :) But so far, great progress if I may say so myself.

Religion real talk

Okay, I am officially sick to my stomach when people mention the religion of the terrorists like religion has something to do with anything. Whether you're a Democrat thinking therapy can save anyone or a Republican wanting to "nuke them all", I particularly don't care. This needs to be said and to anyone who can't handle hearing or reading another person's opinion, you may want to get the hell off of my blog jump off a bridge. Please and thanks.

Terrorism: the systematic use of terror, often violent, especially as a means of coercion. Common definitions of terrorism refer only to those violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror). Some definitions now include acts of unlawful violence and war.

Basically, if I break down this definition I understand that terrorism isn't religious, it's not nationalistic, it's not region-based or prejudice. Terrorism scares people into things (coercion). Violent acts which are intended to create fear (I believe major crimes would fall into this category; just ask a rape victim about going out at night or ask a mother whose child may have been taken what kind of security system she has in the house now).
Unlawful violence- I believe I just explained that. Acts of war? Well if we go back to the definition of instilling fear into people, I do believe that every government is then guilty of terrorism.

I really wish people would stop throwing that word around or connecting it somehow to the Muslim religion. I am not Muslim, so this is not some puny attempt to defend my own religion. This is just a general acknowledgment of how much humans are pieces of shit. We're constantly judging the things we don't know, as well as blaming everyone else for our mistakes and looking to bypass any kind of consequences or responsibilities.

  • Stop assuming every Muslim is a terrorist. Islam is a peaceful religion. Either read the Quran, research the religion or shut the hell up.
  • Stop throwing the word terrorism around unless you know what that word truly means and you're also prepared to call our government officials and soldiers terrorists (I am an avid anti-war patriot, but I am pro-soldier before you guys start to scrunch your faces and think of your next bullshit judgment).
  • Whatever you don't understand, research. Whatever you hear, research. Whenever you want to "opinionate", do yourself and me a huge favor and research. 
And just to leave you with my"opinion". Enjoy.

Fingers crossed

Before I say anything in this blog to piss anyone off, let me just clarify that I don't care if I do. 
I don't care if you're a democrat/republican/independent/green party/purple/unicorn or otherwise. 

I don't care if you agree with me. 
I don't care if you are easily offended.

Ok now, on to my stuff. On Monday, May 13th, the Senate will be voting on the freedom to marry. This is for Minnesota and the reason it's important for me is because my brother lives there.

I feel strongly for equality in marriage, and not because I am directly affected by it or indirectly through a family member. Some of you are already scrunching your faces with disgust, quoting the Bible and praying that I find Jesus.
Believe me, Jesus has been found and the Bible sits on my desk in my room.
Moving on.

Marriage has already been redesigned. If you have not sold your daughter or your sister for a sheep, a cow and a sawed off shotgun, you have already redesigned marriage.

If you are not marrying a virgin, you have redesign marriage; and according to the statistics on teen pregnancy, I believe finding a virgin is like finding a needle in a haystack. Good luck with that if you're trying.

I support marriage equality. I support human rights. They are human rights for a reason, not heterosexual Caucasian Christian American rights or anything other.

I cross my fingers now and will keep them crossed until Monday. I hope this passes, because it will mean something big for me and my family. I hope you will choose to do it with me. Tell your senator to vote yes.

Being gay or straight is not something that is chosen. It is your, their, his, her, my way of life. Why make us be anything different?

Herbie chit chat part two

My dear nonexistant readers (for those that are reading, thumbs up to have stuck with me this long)

Pardon the trash next to Herbie; I live in college community apartments and think every day about burning them to the ground. Sorry, not sorry.

If I didn't get along with my roommates, I would have probably already done it.
Anyways, that's a different long story.

Ok, so Herbie has an amazing factory system in her. The speakers are "wow" and my music just bumps hard. No, I am by no means one of "those" people who annoy you at three in the morning with their loud ass noise. I just blast mine early in the morning on the way to work in order to wake the hell up.

It's my therapy. Don't judge me. 

Herbie has another power. She apparently attracts men like flies. I have gotten many compliments on the car, on the system, the tinted windows, rims, etc. Go Herbie! Yes, I know I have a boyfriend but it makes a girl feel good to be oogled. Damn you , don't make me feel bad.

So anyway, that's Herbie part deux. I just wanted to share my happiness once again. I've written two blogs about this damn car and I could probably go on and on, but I know you don't care. 
You just have no idea how happy I am!

Herbie fully loaded

I got a car! I got a fucking car! I got a car that is still from this decade!

I got a car that talks to me, plays the songs on my player, runs from A to B without any prayers, doesn't make any noises while running, has back up sensors- what? I didn't know these fancy schmancy things existed on a car-and she just makes me look bad ass!


Ok so little details about Herbie. She is a 2012 Chevrolet Cruze. She has 31,000 miles. She is granite metallic black. The interior is maroon with a black fishnet mesh over it. She has so many added gadgets that are awesome.

In other words, Herbie is amazing.

I'll let you be the judge of her though.

Isn't she amazing? She is mean looking. I love the grrr front look. Oh and me getting out of this car and hearing cat calls? Soon I won't be able to fit this ginormous ego into Herbie.

p.s. I wish my step-dad was alive to see this. I hope I've made him proud.

Holy crap, Batman

Hello my dear readers,  I have abandoned you. I just left you on read with no message in sight. Today, I write because I realize I haven...