
So happy news: I got a job! It's not a teaching job, but it's still a job and it still gets me where I need to go. To be honest, I haven't looked for jobs since I graduated. I know, I know, bad me! But I will eventually. I just have to figure out if I am going to move or not soon so I know whether to even bother looking for one.

I am working as a dispatcher/office person/anything they need me to be at Greenline Express Inc. It's a trucking company and I absolutely love my coworkers and my bosses. They are fun to be around and just amazing people all the way around. So that's it on the job front.

Family is doing OK. Step-dad is still recovering from everything. He goes to chemotherapy once every two weeks and that's usually when his health disintegrates, but other than that he is doing great. They are going to try to do a CT scan the next time he goes to chemo to see if the cancer is pulling back from his liver or if it's metastasized.

Love department, I am dating someone new. We have been together a month and we like each others company. That's about all I am going to say on that subject.

Friend department, I still have my oldies who are sticking by me no matter what. Some have recently left my life and honestly, good riddance. I got to see Monica, Allie and Susana; we had a small La Garriga reunion which just made me miss all of my friends in Spain. :-( I need to visit soon!

Anyways, just a short blog to let you guys know what is going on in my life lately. :) Toodles til next time.

Holy crap, Batman

Hello my dear readers,  I have abandoned you. I just left you on read with no message in sight. Today, I write because I realize I haven...