Thanksgiving is coming up, my birthday is coming up and with all these important events in my life coming up, I miss my family. They left for two weeks to Bosnia, and I frankly don't know what to do with myself. I mean we argue, we bicker, we get so mad at each other but regardless we are always a family. Thinking about family, it reminded me of a poem I wrote in Block I (list of 3 educational classes). The poem is about where I came from and what important things blended to make me who I am.
"I am from open doors and loud voices"
I am from war torn countries, family far away and sleepless nights
Tears shed, horrific images for a child to see
Second language learners and hard workers
From "We're safe now" and sighs of relief
I am from family secrets, unspoken words and divorce
"Speak when you're spoken to" and "Don't sass me girl"
Respect your elders, no attitude
Russian salad, pita, sarma cooking in my mother's kitchen
From fabulous family holidays and love
I am from strong women and even stronger men
Stubborn as a mule, "You get it from your daddy"
Loving with my entire being, "You get it from your mother"
Open mindedness, honesty and outspokenness
I am from raising myself and what a good job I've done
To my mother's instilled morals and my father's analytical mind
I will raise my children like this someday, if I could only learn how to cook
I am me, and that is all I will ever be